Terms of Service

1. Message Logging: Dake logs your messages, and then sends them to OpenAI to generate a response. I treat your data with care and privacy. I log your messages solely for the purpose of generating responses and improving the bot.

2. Content Responsibility: You are responsible for the things you tell Dake. Please make sure your messages follow Discord and OpenAI TOS.

3. No Guarantee: I can't promise Dake will always provide accurate or appropriate responses. The quality of responses depends on OpenAI's capabilities and may not always be perfect.

4. Bot Availability: Dake may not always be available due to maintenance or issues. I will do my best to keep him running smoothly.

5. Usage Limitations: I reserve the right to limit or terminate access to Dake if I notice any misuse, spam, or abuse.

6. Changes to Terms: These terms may change! Check back here for any updates.

7. Have Fun: Have fun with Dake! He's a fun bot to talk to and I hope you enjoy using him.
